A potentiostat is an electronic device that is used to control the potential (or voltage) of an electrode...
Destroy cancer from the inside. Nanotechnology in the service of medicine Immune therapies are the hope of...
Artificial intelligence has discovered new radio signals from outside the galaxy SETI project researchers used machine learning...
Sweden: an 8-year-old girl found a sword from before the Viking era During holiday games in the...
World insect population at risk of extinction More than 40 percent of all insect species are threatened...
New neurons are also formed in adults The brains of healthy adult men and women may be...
The Romans developed a whaling industry and culling of cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea? Excavations in the...
Artificial intelligence steering drones recognized in nationwide competition In this year’s thirteenth edition of the 2017 Micro-Entrepreneur...
Remains of a Roman library have been discovered in Cologne During excavations in Cologne, archaeologists came across...
He donated blood every week for 60 years. He saved the lives of millions of children 81-year-old...